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Safeguarding Your Business from Arc Flash

If you own or run a manufacturing workplace, you’re likely already aware of the risk that arc flashes can pose to your workers and business. Arc flashes can cause serious accidents in the workplace, leaving your employees or operations vulnerable to harm.

Luckily, you can take many preventative steps to reduce the risk of arc flash. Responsible business owners understand where the risk comes from, how to reduce it, and what training and protocols to implement to protect their workers.

If you need to establish arc flash risk management processes for your workplace, look no further. Keep reading for a comprehensive breakdown of everything you need to know about arc flashes, including:

  • Understanding Arc Flash Hazards
  • Implementing Comprehensive Training Programs
  • Utilizing Proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Conducting Regular Electrical Safety Audits
  • Establishing Effective Safety Protocols

Follow the steps suggested here to help protect your business from the harmful impacts of an arc flash incident.

Professional Engineers Can Examine Your Workplace

Don’t leave the safety of your business and employees to guesswork. When you work with the professional engineers at Elliot Engineering, you’ll have peace of mind that the experts have examined and reviewed your business for optimal safety operations. Contact us today for all your commercial electrical services needs. With over 75 years of experience, we provide safe, reliable service you can trust.

Understanding Arc Flash Hazards

An arc flash is the light and heat produced when an arc fault (a type of electrical explosion) occurs. This dangerous explosion of energy typically happens when an electrical circuit connects through the air or ground to another voltage phase in an electrical system.

Arc flashes are estimated to occur five to 10 times daily in the United States. They often cause injuries and can even sometimes be deadly. An arc flash heat blast can reach temperatures as high as 35,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

In addition to harming people, arc flash incidents can be incredibly debilitating for businesses. These incidents can damage equipment and halt business operations as equipment is repaired or replaced.

Multiple things can cause an arc flash, from a rodent interfering with equipment to improper humidity levels or unsafe electrical spacing between high-voltage equipment.

Any electrical system with a voltage of 200V or higher is highly susceptible to an arc flash. Therefore, if you run a business that uses 200V or higher voltage equipment, you should have comprehensive arc flash incident protection and procedures in place.

Implementing Comprehensive Training Programs

Every workplace with the potential for an arc flash should have employees undergo a comprehensive training program. These programs can help educate workers on the risks, teach them preventative measures they can take to reduce those risks and show them what steps to take when an arc flash happens.

Ideally, these training programs should cover:

  • How employees can help guard energized electrical conductors and circuit parts
  • How to use barricades as an arc flash approach boundary
  • The importance of using non-contact procedures and non-sparking tools
  • Covering all arc flash-related safe work procedures, as well as safety job planning

Utilizing Proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The best step an employer can take to protect their workers in an arc flash incident is to provide the proper personal protective equipment (PPE). But it doesn’t stop there.

Employers must take responsibility for educating their employees on why PPE is important and enforce repercussions for any employees who are seen avoiding or misusing PPE.

PPE requirements will vary depending on each unique workplace and its specific arc flash risks, but some of the most common PPE equipment is:

  • Appropriate clothing and footwear
  • Hard hat
  • Face shield or face covering
  • Hood
  • Safety goggles
  • Heavy duty gloves
  • Hearing protection

Employers determine which PPE is necessary for their employees by understanding the intensity of the energy that would be released if an arc flash occurred in the workplace.

Conducting Regular Electrical Safety Audits

The last step in safeguarding your business from arc flashes is conducting regular electrical safety audits. Having a third-party contractor analyze your operations can help identify any gaps or problem areas.

The electrical safety audit will check to ensure all conductors and circuit panels are in proper working condition. Additionally, the auditors may make recommendations for places where lower-energy equipment might be swapped in to reduce the risk of an arc flash.

One of the benefits of these audits is that someone is coming in with fresh eyes who may be able to see dangers that have been overlooked.

Arc Flashes Are a Serious Threat to Your Business

If an arc flash occurs at your work site, it can negatively impact your business. You’ll likely incur massive costs with equipment repair, a pause in business operations, and even potential medical bills for an injured employee. Avoid these risks and ensure you’ve done everything possible to protect your business and workers from an arc flash.

Schedule Your Electrical Safety Audit Today

Elliot Engineering is your full-service electrical contractor that can get the job done to your exact specifications. Our licensed and insured contractors have the commercial electrical services experience to thoroughly review your operations and provide recommendations that can save your business from a dangerous workplace incident. So, don’t wait a second longer to get your electrical safety audit done.